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Public categories
Public categories

Add Public categories to the mailinglist block and let visitors to your event site choose categories themselves.

Written by Elsa Glemme
Updated over a week ago

If you have a Business account, you can use Public categories.

When creating a Mailinglist block, to let people sign up for a newsletter for example, you have the choice to add Categories that will be connected to those who enter their email adress. You can then see the categories connected to each person in your workspace contact list. If you make a category Public, the visitors to your event site will be able to choose categories themselves when signing up for the newsletter.

Create public categories

To create a public category, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Workspace

  2. Click on `Settings`

  3. Click on `Categories`

  4. Click on `Add category` to add a new category

  5. Name the category

  6. Check the box `Public`

  7. Click on `Save`

  8. You can make private categories public and vice versa, by clicking on the edit button (blue, round, pencil icon) next to each category and check or uncheck the box `Public`

Add a public category to Mailinglist block

When you create a Mailinglist block you can add public categories to it, by following these steps:

  1. Go to the event

  2. Click on `Pages` in the menu

  3. Click on `Start` (or your event name) next to the house icon

  4. Click on the `Mailinglist` - block, or create a new Mailinglist block - read more here

  5. To add Categories to the contacts collected via the Mailinglist block, click on `Add` under Contacts that sign up here should belong to these categories

  6. Choose any categories by clicking on them

  7. Click on `Done`

  8. Check the box `Allow users to sign up to public categories`, if you want visitors to be able to mark what public categories they want to belong to themselves. The public categories will now show up as checkboxes in the Mailinglist block on the event site.

  9. To add context / explanation to the public categories for the people signing up, fill in a text under Public categories title

See example of how public categories looks to visitors of your event site, below:

NOTE: You can add public categories (under "Contacts that sign up here should belong to these categories"), and not check the box "Allow users to sign up to public categories". The public categories will then be hidden and not visible in the Mailinglist block. However, all public categories assigned to a contact will show and be visible to the contact in their "Manage subscription" view, that they see if they want to unsubscribe to your newsletter, or to emails sent from your workspace via Confetti.

See example of how public categories looks to your newsletter subscribers, below:

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