Duplicate form

You can copy a form that you created and if you have a ticket event, use it as a Feedback, Signup or Addon form.

Written by Elsa Glemme
Updated over a week ago

If you have a Ticket event you can choose to transform your duplicated form to a different type, if you have an RSVP event the duplicated form will automatically become a feedback form - questions and fields can be edited to suit the situation.

To duplicate a form, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your event

  2. Click on `Pages` in the menu

  3. Click on `Forms`

  4. Click on the name of the form that you want to copy

  5. Click on `Duplicate`

  6. If you have a Ticket event, choose what function your duplicated form should have under Type of form by checking one of the boxes

Type of form

There are three different types of forms:

  • Signup form - is filled in when your attendees register for your event or buy their ticket - in that case, the Signup form will be connected to ticket batches.

  • Feedback form - is sent out via `Compose` under Messages to collect information or reviews from your attendees after the event has taken place.

  • Addon form - you can connect an Addon form to an Addon batch.

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