To be able to have both tickets and a waiting list, you need to create two pages. To create two pages so you can have a waitlist on your ticket event, follow these steps:
Create a ticket event by clicking on `New event`
Check the box `Tickets`
Create ticket batches for the event
Create a Free event by clicking on `New event`
Name the event (for example "Waitlist") under Event name
Check the box `Free event`
Check the box `Minimal`
Click on `Settings` (In the Waitlist event)
Click on `Setup`
Scroll down and check the box `Approve all attendees manually`
Click on `Save`
Click on `Overview`
Click on `Publish`
Click on `Go to event site`
Copy the URL (web address)
Go back to your ticket event
Click on `Pages`
Click on `+ Add page`
Check the box `Link to external site`
Paste the Waitlist URL under External link
Name the link for example "Waitlist" under Name
Click on `Save`
The link to the waitlist will appear at the top of the header on the ticket event.
Those who sign up on the waitlist can, if new tickets become available, be added to the list of attendees to the ticket event.
Add people that sign up to the waitlist to the ticket event either by sending them an invite to the ticket event, or add them directly on the list of attendees to the ticket event.