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Create discounts for purchase of tickets

Daniel Ohlsson 🇸🇪 🇬🇧 avatar
Written by Daniel Ohlsson 🇸🇪 🇬🇧
Updated over 8 months ago

Discounts can be applied either to ticket batches and addon batches or to entire purchases.

To create discounts, follow these steps.

  1. Click on `Tickets`

  2. Click on `Discounts`

  3. Click on `Create discount`

Before creating a discount, you need to set up how it should work.

Enter a code for the discount under Discount code, and decide whether it can be combined with other discounts, and the number of times it can be used by checking the boxes.

  • Discount code = This is the code the participant needs to enter to get the discount.

  • Set open and close date = Set date for when the discount code should apply. Click in `End date` to specify when the discount should end. ​ If no date is set, the code is always active. ​

  • Can be combined with other discount codes = Click on this if you want the code to be combined with other discount codes. Batch discounts are always applied first. This means that order discounts are calculated based on the total order value after any batch discounts have been applied.​​

    NOTE: Combinations can lead to big discounts. Adjust which discounts can be combined if the total discount is too large.

  • Limit number of times this discount can be used in total = To limit the number of times a discount code can be used, set a maximum number. Uses are counted per order. Each time a participant purchases with the discount code, it counts as one use, regardless of the number of tickets or addons in the order.

    In the next box, you specify whether the discount should be a percentage or have a fixed value and whether it refers to the total purchase or each individual ticket batch.​ ​

    Percentage = Percentage discount
    Fixed = For a fixed value

    NOTE: For a fixed value, Fixed, the discount amount is displayed, e.g. VAT. This means the discount is applied to the price before VAT is calculated and added.

    Example: A ticket costs SEK 100 excluding VAT and has a VAT rate of 25%. With a discount of SEK 50, the customer will pay 62.50 including VAT. (100 - 50) * 1.25 = 62.50.

    ​Discount type​

    Amount of order = The discount is applied to the entire order.
    Amount of batches = The discount is applied to individual batches. If you choose, e.g., a fixed discount of SEK 50, each batch in the order will be discounted by SEK 50.

    Applies to (ticket batch or addon batch)

    Here, you can set which ticket batches or addon batches will be discounted. If no batches are selected, all will be eligible for the discount.

    The first page lists all discounts, whether they are active/inactive, and what type (order discount or batch discount).

    Order = Discount on the entire order
    Batches = Discount on individual batches ​ ​

    Active discounts = Active discounts
    ​Inactive discounts = Discounts that are not active

    Click on a discount, and you will get an overview of it.

    Här finns sammanställd information där du bl.a. kan se det totala rabatterade beloppet och hur många som använt rabattkoden.

    You can also see which participants used the code and how much is discounted.

    To edit the discount, click on `Edit`.

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