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Display all your events on your business site
Display all your events on your business site

Show all your events on the same page on your business site.

Written by Elsa Glemme
Updated over a week ago

If you have a business account, you have access to a site for showing all your events, follow these steps to find your business site:

  1. Go to your `Workspace`

  2. Click on `Pages`

  3. Click on `Go to site`

To edit your business site where all your events can be displayed, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your `Workspace`

  2. Click on `Pages`

  3. Click on the name of your workspace

  4. Edit each block by clicking on them

  5. Add a block by placing the cursor between two blocks and click on `+ Add page`

  6. Make further settings by clicking on `Edit`

Design your business site where all or your events are displayed by following these steps:

  1. Go to your `Workspace`

  2. Click on `Pages`

  3. Click on `Design` NOTE: You can change the font on this site by clicking on `Edit CSS` under Custom site

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