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Create a ticket batch with a minimum number of tickets upon purchase
Create a ticket batch with a minimum number of tickets upon purchase

Ange ett fixerat antal biljetter vid köp eller sälj biljetter gruppvis.

Daniel Ohlsson 🇸🇪 🇬🇧 avatar
Written by Daniel Ohlsson 🇸🇪 🇬🇧
Updated over a week ago

If you have created a ticket batch where you want to sell a specified minimum number of tickets with each purchase before you can choose for additional tickets, you can set it up as follows:

1. Click on `Tickets`

2. Click on `Tickets`

3. Select ticket batch

4. Click on `Edit'

5. Scroll to the bottom and check the `Set minimum number of tickets per purchase` box

6. Enter the minimum number of tickets per purchase under Minimum tickets per purchase.

When selecting tickets from the specified ticket batch, the set number will automatically be selected. After that, it is possible to add any number of tickets as long as it does not exceed the maximum number of tickets allowed at the time of purchase.

The permitted maximum number of tickets when purchasing from the batch is stated under the heading Max tickets per purchase if you scroll up a bit.

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