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How do I upgrade my account?
How do I upgrade my account?

Get one of our paid plans and enjoy more features!

Written by Elsa Glemme
Updated over a week ago

Having one of our paid subscriptions or plans will make your events even easier. Read about all the features included in the Single, Plus and Business plan here.

Upgrade to a Single account

To upgrade to a Single account, follow these steps:

  1. Click on `Upgrade now` in the top left corner

  2. Click on `Upgrade` under Single

  3. Choose the event you want to upgrade

  4. Fill in your information and click on `Next`

  5. Fill in your card information and click on `Save`

Upgrade to a Plus account

To upgrade to a Plus account, follow these steps:

  1. Click on `Upgrade now` in the top left corner

  2. Click on `Subscribe` under Plus

  3. Fill in your information and click on `Next`

  4. Check the box `Charged yearly` or `Charged monthly` depending on how you want to be charged

  5. Fill in your card information and click on `Save`

Upgrade to a Business account

To upgrade to a Business account, follow these steps:

  1. Click on `Upgrade now` in the top left corner

  2. Click on `Contact sales` under Business, to send us an e-mail


    contact us through our customers support

Not sure of what plan you need?

If you want to learn more to choose what paid plan you need, contact our sales team or book a demo and we will explore your options together!

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